The British bike thread

I love a good story and this is a belter. I saw this on Ebay. It's here so it doesn't get lost and for posterity. Text from Ebay quoting Sue below.

I am listing this on behalf of my Mother-in-Law, Sue, who is 80 next year and doesn't have an Ebay account. Here is her description:

“I received this bike new as a special gift in 1982 and used it as my daily transport to and from work at the hospital five miles away. During holidays the bike came along too, providing local transport around campsites.
In 1991 I moved to Beverley in West Yorkshire where the bike was ridden up hill and down dale, on days out and on holidays.
In 2001 my bike and I travelled to India to take part in a fund raising event, Ride to Recovery for the Leprosy Mission. We rode 350km across West Bengal from Calcutta visiting Bankura, Jhaldon, Premananda and Purulia hospitals and their patients. Between the 17 participants we raised £53,272.28p. (!!!! GIGFY)
In 2014 I returned to live in the West Midlands where we had started our life together forty-three years ago.
The reason for parting with my special travelling companion is fear. I no-longer feel safe cycling in traffic.I would love to see my 'trusty steed' go to a new and caring home"

Sue's bike as you can see from the photographs is pretty much original and as it would have been when new. By this I mean that it has not been messed about with, tarted up, had parts removed or replaced. You can also see from the photographs that it has a fabulous patina that reflects its lifetime of service. Sue had the bike serviced regularly until she stopped using it around five years ago.It does require light re-commisioning but otherwise is a blank canvas as to whether the new owner chooses to keep its current character or to use as the basis of a full restoration project.
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