Thank god the hot weather is going

try the gray drearienesss of the central belt mate

you live in the posh bit :LOL:
I ran a half marathon today (11 am start) . There was nowhere to hide from the sun along the enitire route and I was 4 to 5 minutes off my usual pace. I lost nearly 1/2 a stone despite consuming around 4 litres of fluid before, during and after the event.
Tazio":3paqhpco said:
Am I the only person that hates cycling in hot weather?

I love a good ride in spring or autumn. Nothing beats a run on a lovely cold crisp dry winters day.

Cycling on a scorching hot day, hating having to wear a helmet and sucking water through your camelback wishing you had brought a couple of extra bottles? No thanks.

Not that I like rain or mud, I just love dry cool weather for getting out.

Unless its 35+ degrees C with a hot wind and your jersey has dry salt stains, its not hot ;)

Hot days are awesome. Clothing choice is simple, dry trails are retro friendly and a quick blast with a little compressed air post ride and the bike is good to go again.

Dust can be a little annoying at times but is easily fixed by riding at the front in single track :cool:
I don't get to ride 1% as much as I'd like to, any opportunity to go riding I jump on, whether its pissing down or blazing hot. Stop complaining!!!

In some ways I look forward to winter as no one else wants to do anything outside, I dont mind the cold, I work outside all year round and its amazing how much of the UK weather is totally bearable with the right kit, hot or cold.
Tazio":3djxonsp said:
Am I the only person that hates cycling in hot weather?

I love a good ride in spring or autumn. Nothing beats a run on a lovely cold crisp dry winters day.

Cycling on a scorching hot day, hating having to wear a helmet and sucking water through your camelback wishing you had brought a couple of extra bottles? No thanks.

Not that I like rain or mud, I just love dry cool weather for getting out.

I agree
Drencrom":2fu2c5mc said:
I'm going to bump this thread back up in January.

We'll see if everyone is happy with the snow and ice! ;)

we do this ride every January... we're happy


I don't like the heat too much either, but it is still ridable - as is rain and mud - Autumn Winds I do hate but they aren't here yet and when they do come I'll just dig out the kite buggy and have fun that way.

Opposite end of the thread but given that I have moved near some woods and have a half decent bike, I am really looking forward to some riding in the snow.