Temple Newsam - Revisited. 16.03.2013

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Top man, thanks very much! Doing well out of you this weekend, anything you're after that I might have? Failing that I'll get you a post-price-rise brew... :wink:

M8x12mm sounds ideal but it's not all that fussy :D
I have one of the bolts the same as in your link ;)

I'll bring it along with your cable tomorrow
Afternoon guys! a shower just passed over and maybe some overnight ones too but, the weather looks something like good for by when we saddle up. anybody caught in traffic/snoozed in, don't worry, as long as we push off by 11:00am at latest then, all is good.

Nice to see a muddy fox in the starting blocks, muddy being a 'thing' for tomorrow :wink: .

Don't forget a change of clothes for drive home, well, old trainers and tracky bottoms will do. :) as you pull in the carpark, immediate-ish left is about the firmest. this a huge carpark so no rush for top spot though. No bogs at start point so, nip in somewhere beforehand if you feel that certain sensation after tonight's take-away :)

Apart from that i'm ripping to get riding and about to go find the mud guards. I will have an assortment of tools, track pump, various bits for pre-ride tune ups. Also feel free to bring any jumble and karma bits, a mini-market is the law round 'ere. 8)

Count me in for tomorow, ive just got to get my bag ready and dig out some sales items,
looking forward to some mud, its been a while :facepalm: :lol:
im on the crakenfail for a change :)
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