Afternoon guys! a shower just passed over and maybe some overnight ones too but, the weather looks something like good for by when we saddle up. anybody caught in traffic/snoozed in, don't worry, as long as we push off by 11:00am at latest then, all is good.
Nice to see a muddy fox in the starting blocks, muddy being a 'thing' for tomorrow

Don't forget a change of clothes for drive home, well, old trainers and tracky bottoms will do.

as you pull in the carpark, immediate-ish left is about the firmest. this a huge carpark so no rush for top spot though. No bogs at start point so, nip in somewhere beforehand if you feel that certain sensation after tonight's take-away
Apart from that i'm ripping to get riding and about to go find the mud guards. I will have an assortment of tools, track pump, various bits for pre-ride tune ups. Also feel free to bring any jumble and karma bits, a mini-market is the law round 'ere.