tell me about computers please

memyselfandi":3dqgbysd said:
Are you looking to buy/build a new PC? If so let us know and we can help you out :D

Thanks for the kind offer. But i was at my desk trying to stay relaxed and not think about DHL and my wheels. And this computer talk about going 64 got me thinking. As work doesn't.

SO no need to rush out and buy a new Mac then :LOL:
Let it be said that a software program must be written to take advantage of a 64 bit processor to really see significant performance differences all other hardware being equal.
SF Klein":24f307me said:
Let it be said that a software program must be written to take advantage of a 64 bit processor to really see significant performance differences all other hardware being equal.
True for any individual program - but a 64-bit OS can deal with more resources and make use of the architecture already there, even if some apps by themselves, can't.
I also find this web site a great source of info from bikes to the world and beyond :D
Hence why i started this thread :D
tintin40":343w9vl2 said:
SO no need to rush out and buy a new Mac then :LOL:

Your current Mac might well be 64 bit anyway! The vast majority of desktop and server computers have had 64-bit CPUs for years now, it's just that Microsoft and those developing only/primarily for Windows have been at least a decade behind in making 64 bit computing work painlessly....

I'm coming to the conclusion that Win7 might be the first Windows edition where the 64 bit version is pretty much just as usable as the 32 in real life (i.e. no real problems with drivers etc).

Not that I'd use it myself, you understand... in the world of open source software, the whole 64-bit ready thing is very ancient history ;-)
There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't ;)
Just to add my 2p to the conversation.

Def go for a 64bit operating system in this day and age. As others have alluded to, 32bit (x86) can only adress 4GB of memory (including the momery on the graphics card). Considering that the majority of pc's now ship with 4gb of system RAM (wil only increase year on year) and 512MB - 1GB graphics card, you need a 64bit (x64) windows to take advantage of that 4GB RAM, since 4096MB (system RAM) + 512MB (GPU) = more than 32bit windows can adress.

64 bit architecture can actually adress up to 16 terrabytes of memory, however Windows 7 has been limited to 8GB-192GB depending on edition.

64bit has come on a long way since I first tried it with windows XP. Back then, very few devices had drivers, which made it impossible to use. Vista improved on this, but some companies are still terrible for their 64bit support (Netgear is one). But Windows 7 has all but solved most issues, as 32bit drivers generally work fine for most things, not come across anything yet that's failed to work.

Same can be said for programs. Basically everything that works on 32bit Windows 7, works on the 64bit version.

There are performance gains when a 64bit program is used alongside the operating system, Photoshop CS4 certainly feels quicker. However not a huge amount of programs have 'propper' versions.

Just realised, you're on a Mac. Oops (hope the rest was usefull for others). Not sure about OSX, but I'm sure Linux has been utilising 64bit for alot longer than Windows, so it's quite possible Apple have had support for a while aleady.