Techno question for 27"/700c conversion experts.

I have a Dawes ('84 Lightning) with long drop brakes, not sure why they were quite so long drop.. looks the same/similar as the ones in the pic.
On 27s they are c.65mm drop (so the Miches are no good even on 27s).

In theory going to 700s would need another 4mm of drop I think ?
Would make the braking worse though as more flex

I'm about to try out the Tektro R556s from SJS, still on 27s though, as you described perfectly the efficiency of the Weinmans ! I'll let you know how they are
I'm running the original Weinmann centre-pulls on this, which was a 1981 Galaxy before I started :


Wheels are Mavic 700C, and the length of drop is just sufficient....

Brakes work a treat, lock-up both wheels nicely when required without much lever-travel....
It may be the brake block/rim combination that's the braking problem not necessarily the brake stirrups. Weinman CP's are generally not to bad. Also old, stretched cables - try some new ones?
On my old Carlton I actually filed downwards on the slot (of a standard pair of shimano deep drop brakes) to get the drop required. It took a bit of work but it avoids having extra long arms on a dual pivot which I reckon do not give as good stopping power. It also means you have a much greater choice of brake.
Firstly you want to measure the drop you actually require as the centre pull brakes don't look that long tbh.
Here's how if you don't know.
I've got the Shimano non-series R600 long drop on my commuter (Ultegra equivalent model) and it grips pretty darn well given it's stopping me (not a lightweight), the bike, panniers loaded with laptop, clothes, books, all that stuff. It does get through blocks kind of quickly, but that just proves it's working.