team raleigh atb

How kind of you, but someone’s just come up to me and said they’d be happy to sell them their super nos time capsule prototype that was made before the Big Bang that’s super ultra rare and only one in the world for just £10000 more. You can’t argue with that price on a collectors item!
Only £10,000 more??? Please tell me they have 2 versions of this one-off only one in the world time capsule...
Ooh! Are you a front end or back end kinda guy?

Or shall we go straight down the middle, which then means a coin toss for drive-side, non-drive side...
I say split it down the middle, that means we can hang this piece of art on the wall and no one will bat an eyelid. Heads drive side and tails nds what do you say m’kind fellow…

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