Edward York
Retro Newbie
Thank you all for your welcome and kind words.
You're right, I think. We do obsess with weight too much. I do notice swapping between this bike and one with better quality tubing (531 etc) - this definitely has a duller ride. But still nice though.Welcome to RB. What a great story. I enjoyed reading it. The bike is nice tooI think we obsess with weight, ride quality is far more important imo. Jim Haseltine may know about the brand.
@grantoury @Imlach @Woz @KermitGKona88 @jim haseltine
The dynohub is genuinely brilliant. I can't tell if it's on or off, so I just leave it on all the time. Coupled with a decent LED light, you can generate enough light to comfortably see where you are going at 15mph or more. I have this dynohub and another shimano one on my commuter bike. Both were bought second hand and are years old/have done thousands of miles. For practical cycling, they can't be beaten IMHO. The SON etc dynohubs are probably better quality and maybe slightly less drag, but I have no complaints with the shimano ones. My commuter bike light is a SON Edelux II and it's got a nice cutoff, so you don't dazzle oncoming cyclists/drivers/pedestrians, whereas the Supernova doesn't, so it's probably a bit more antisocial. Works well as a daytime running light though and countryside night cycling isn't such an issueYes, I like that. A good honest bike still up to the task. I’m interested in how you find the performance of the dyno hub? I might get a Fairlight at some point and there are a few hub options.
Thank you. Interesting about catalogues - I hadn't really thought of that. Another area to do some research into.Smart Restoration
BITD there were several brands that were made for catalogues (Grattan, Empire Stores etc). In the absence of any leads may well be one of them.