Wanted Syncros titanium seatpost 27.0


Kona Fan
As above I'm after a decent condition ti post in 27.0 . I know these rarely come up for sale but I thought I'd ask now and bide my time.
Any help or guidance will be very much appreciated 😉
Thanks in advance
I don't have a synchros (regret selling the two I did have) but I do have a 27.0 ti post. Similar ish clamp (2 bolt). I believe it's made by amoeba. It did have a 2 tone shiny/matt finish but I preferred the matt so got the scotchbrite out and made it uniform.

If it's of interest I can grab some pics.

I have toyed with shimming up to 27.4 and using on my lightning build but decided on a Thompson in the right size. It fits my dbr axis TT, so have been holding on to it incase I revert back to ti bars and stem, but I like it how it is now so kind of spare.
hi, are you absolutely looking for a titanium? I have a syncros in 27.0 but not titanium ... with a very good price and like new ... yoann