Syncros seatpost poser?


Gold Trader
PoTM Winner
MacRetro Rider
98+ BoTM Winner
Ok hands up who knows what the hole in the bottom of the syncros posts are for? Guesses funnies and lateral thinking are required here.

p.s. I know the real answer, and will be award a prize of a seat on my smug perch :lol:
If you do know don't let the cat out of the bag too soon....but don't leave it too late either. Ya gotta know when to hold, know when ta fold.
funny: so you could thread it on you handle bar as a kids seat?

to help lever open quick releases?

bottle opener? (btw this does kind of work!)

as all holes are for, for men to put their fingers in.
So you can use it as an emergency snorkel ? :lol: :lol:

So you can display them in a glass cabinet ?

ermm .... Periscope ?? give up ? ?
just so everyone knows i do know what its for!
or am i just saying that?
the first person to put it down is going to look like a right kill joy!
is it when the tubes are cut by lasers emitted high pressure gases can escape thru the vent holes....or did aliens do it :P
either that or some REALLY DUMB way at saving weight..hahahahah couldnt poss be that could it .....hmmmmmmm
When locking bike you remove seatpost and put u lock through it to stop post and saddle being stolen.

Is my name Mr. Killjoy and can I have my prize?