Wanted SYNCROS seat post 27.0 diameter - black, Ti, aluminium


Senior Retro Guru
Looking for a 27.0 SYNCROS diameter seat post.

Could be black, Ti or a silver one ... actually I am looking for multiple. Please offer what you have :)

Hi! ... Link is not working. However, I dont need any at the moment. Thank You!
No I don't, I sold it. If you're looking for something then why don't you put up your own Wanted Post? Then maybe you'll find it...

Yeah im in the process of putting together a list of impossible to find bits and pieces ;) Ill post it soon.
Yesterday I fouind my ultimate "impossible to find" item to complete a bike:

A 1" threaded Chris King in green (!) grip version no logo period correct of 1992. Absolutely impossible!!! Super stoked. But boy, did I have to bleed financially for it!

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