Syncros & more

Hi ; I have a suggestion -- I'll give you £225 for that Pashley please :D . I have to move some money about to do this ; so if it's OK with you ; can I ask for 24 hour dibs pretty please? So all going well I can pay you tomorrow.

Just pm me how you want to work it then please? Just been in the workshop and of all my bikes it really catches the eye. Cheers.
Syncros cranks

Hey again I asked about the frame...would you send the Syncros cranks to canada? Thanks John

The cranks are very light, sub 450 grammes, so if I can get the pack under 600g cost is Sterling £16.95, but it would cost me £8 UK inland anyway, so just £9 extra, if I can't get under 600g it would be another £1.42.
This is for 2-3 working day tracked and insured to value, signed for at your end. I can get next day if you wanted, but would be quite a lot more.
Howz that sound?