Swap Meet May 2023

One of the highlights of the year, though I am too far away to attend it is always great seeing some of the bikes and parts on display :cool:
A good swap will change your life.

I find the swap communities so inspiring, and every time I'm in a bit of a bike funk the bargains, inspiration and stories, all get me juiced to get riding/building all over again. There's just so much to learn, too! If you take the time to chat with the people you meet.

We're about to hit peak swap season here in California, and I can't wait. There's 3 weekends of swaps back to back coming up at the end of the month...

Should we start an Official Swap Meet thread, for photos of bikes, parts, scores and vibes?

i can only imagine the stuff you have at yours down there.

Hahaha. Alright, I'll kick it off when the time comes.

Gives me an excuse to actually remember to take photos...

I'm usually neck deep in a plastic bin while keeping one eye peeled over my shoulder for what the next table might have on offer before one of my so-called friends sweeps in to snag what should be rightfully mine!
Hahaha. Alright, I'll kick it off when the time comes.

Gives me an excuse to actually remember to take photos...

I'm usually neck deep in a plastic bin while keeping one eye peeled over my shoulder for what the next table might have on offer before one of my so-called friends sweeps in to snag what should be rightfully mine!
I fear those of us living on the less glamorous side of the Atlantic will find pw’s upcoming thread highly depressing..
We're pretty lucky living in the Vancouver area, yesterdays swap meet was fantastic, thanks @BC for organizing again.

I didn't buy as much as last year but managed to scoop up some great deals on few parts, most of all it was great to spend the day hanging out with this amazing community 😁
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I smell some absolute steals...one day...

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