i bought this orange as a complete bike about 3 months ago. i believe it was the first aluminium frame orange made. all parts are original, the previous (and only other) owner hardly rode it and says he only changed the break pads. The photos show the bike as it is today with the fluorescent orange decals taped over.
lovely bike but too big for me. I live in Spain but i'll be home (Cardiff) at Christmas for a week or so when i can swap. if you fancy a swap get in touch and let me know what you've got to exchange and send pics if you can. my requirements are
- reasonably light
- 17 - 19 inches
- complete
- good working order
- no more than say a 2 hour drive from cardiff.
cheers, geth
lovely bike but too big for me. I live in Spain but i'll be home (Cardiff) at Christmas for a week or so when i can swap. if you fancy a swap get in touch and let me know what you've got to exchange and send pics if you can. my requirements are
- reasonably light
- 17 - 19 inches
- complete
- good working order
- no more than say a 2 hour drive from cardiff.
cheers, geth