Item #1 - Answer manitou comp. 1 1/8th threadless steerer. Fully rebuilt with new elastomers by sparkybhp recently. Bought for my Marin IFT build but had a change of plans. £135 posted to UK.
SOLD Item #2 Answer manitou 2. 1 inch threaded steerer. New elastomers by the previous owner. I stuck purple film over the original lower fork logos as they are quite faded. Easy to remove. £150 inc UK postage.
SOLD Item #4 Rock shox Judy XC long travel. 1 1/8th threadless steerer. Seem to work well so ready to use. Not sure when they were last serviced though. Came off a well looked after Kona Muni Mula. £125 posted to UK.
Item #5 Rock shox Indy? 1 1/8th threadless steerer. Spares or repairs as they need a rebuild and the left hand fork boss is cracked. £40 posted to the UK
Ok jimbog were you put the purple on the manitous have you any pics how you did it or can you put some pics up of the forks I got some manitou comp forks and others that have faded but can't find any info on bringing them back what sort of foil cheers