Suntour XC Pro Hubs…am I getting into trouble here?

Not that regular screw-on freewheels are particularly cheap, have you thought about the XC Pro rear hub that takes a screw-on freewheel? The set I used must have been made by Suntour just before the ones pictured in your thread - same decals, grease injection ports, sealed bearings....just threaded to take a freewheel.
The length of the splines tells you the speed.
Technically I guess you could spacer a 7 speed out to fit on an 8speed MD freehub, never tried.

8 will not fit on a 7speed MD

And of course no other cassette will fit.

As there is no actual picture of the hub or freehub body, I cannot say.
Or even if it is actually MD.

MD have the large black seal showing
7speed have a silver bit showing next to it, 8 speed doesn't.
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Thanks a lot guys!

Very useful input. Here is a close up picture I received from the seller.

Can you tell if a regular screw on this freewheel will work with it?
Thanks @FluffyChicken and @TreaderSteve and all the rest that have helped with this.

And sorry I replied above without refreshing the convo so I just read through your comments now!

I am still undecided on them. If any screw on freewheel can fit or one that I can slightly modify then no problems.

If I have to rely on finding MicroDrive and stock on them then I am having 2nd thoughts already…
It's microdrive and will only fit the microdrive cassette.
It looks like there is a flash of silver just past the end of the threading.. so 7speed.
But a picture from the axle end would confirm either way.

They are nice hubs and nice cassettes to put on.

Getting them off after a few years is another matter :LOL:

Depends what you are willing to pay, hubs shouldn't be too much cassettes not a lot either normally.
May take some time to search, ebay seems expensive for the hubs at the moment.
