Wanted SunTour Downtube Cable Stops and/or Barcons


Retro Newbie
I'm building up rusty old Fuji s12 and I need some downtube cable stops as I'm switching the clamp-on shifters for barcons.

There are a few NOS examples on eBay currently, but my bike is not NOS worthy - At least not at the prices they're asking!

I'm also searching for SunTour Barcons (Bar end shifters) of a similar vintage.

Let's work out a deal :^)
I have examples of both I can let you have, although I'll to check that the stops are actually Suntour as possibly they could be Huret or similar. None of them are in NOS condition, so sensible prices only:) I think one set of the bar cons are Raleigh branded (they're definitely Suntour though) so don't know if that would make any difference to you. All the kit is 80s or older.
Ahh silly mistake on my part - I only just realized:
1) This is a co.uk site
2) I didn't mention my location (Western US).

I imagine that you're located in The UK? Shipping may outweigh any deals here :P
Okey dokey, I see what's happened. You're right of course, the shipping would mess up your getting the best deal. Hope you can find something stateside.