Suggestions for a first time project


Dirt Disciple
Have been lurking for a while and admiring some of the beautiful bikes on here.
Could anyone suggest or point me in the direction of a suitable bike to start out with.
I think I have gleaned enough to know that I want something steel. A complete bike would be my preference. I would prefer it if I was able to ride it as I was restoring it.

Most important of all is that it should be cheap! ideally as cheap as possible. Does not need to be at all fashionable or cosmetically pretty, just rideable and with potential to warrant the time spent on it.

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions.....
Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Would it be rude to ask for potential pointers? Had an hour or so in the for sale section and not found anything that looks remotely suitable that is still for sale.

Is it just a case of keeping an eye out and getting in first? or should I post in the wanted section and see what people have laying around?
Well I would say more information please!

What kind of biking do you do/have you done?

Will it be your only bike, if not what do you ride now?

What do your friends/riding chums use?

Have you worked on anything vaguely mechanical before?

What bikes have you seen on the site that you liked?

If I had to guess blindly then I would plump for a late 90s hardtail.

Retro feel but safely into the era of V brakes and way into the era of 11/8 Headsets.

But it really depends on what is stimulating your interest.

Clockworks are pretty nice as well as the Konas... British at its best!

wouldn't go far wrong with an early Saracen - they cost next to nothing and are very good.
orange71":tpztr6ak said:
wouldn't go far wrong with an early Saracen - they cost next to nothing and are very good.

Was going to say the same thing. You can pick up a good quality rider for £20 to £30 if you're lucky. You'll not find a Kona for that money. ;)
Cheers once again chaps.

Liked the Kona in the thread that was linked to. That is the era i am after. V brakes but would prefer rigid forks.

Will pop an add in the wanted section.