Stuck BB removal options - *Update* It’s Out!

It’s been a while since I’ve had to deal with a stuck thread, and frankly, I haven’t got much equippage apart from some GT85 and spanner’s. So I was oddly proud to have unstuck a badass BB using what could be found.

Ratchet drive extended with an old handle bar? Not this time.
In the vice and use the frame as a lever? Wood top holding the vice splintered.


Clamp in the BB tool with an M8 bolt.
Apply the big adjustable ….

No joy.

Get a garden fork and use the ultimate weapon: leverage:

View attachment 858509

Prep your threads people.
I had a similar setup recently with the removal tool held on with a pedal bolt. I couldnt work out why it started to get harder to undo until I realised you need to keep loosening the pedal bolt as it undoes, otherwise you are trying to pull the spindle out of the BB. I was using a socket and long bar so couldnt see what was happening, fortunately realised what was going on before damaging the threads.