Withdrawn Strong Seatpost 27dia

Once A Hero

Old School Grand Master
Looking for one of these ‘Strong’ Seatposts please, 27mm dia and uncut (length should be c.240-250mm I think), in silver, decent condition but doesn’t have to be perfect.

There’s a few about overseas but prices are wild and often doubled by the postage!

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Might have a Suntour of similar vintage/looks. It looks like this XCD 6000 one. I’ll have to work out where it is though! What length is needed as I’m sure it’s not super long. IMG_5239.webp
I’ve got an uncut (295mm to rails) 27.0 SR Sakae if it’s any use to you? It’s no lightweight at 466g but is in ok condition - no deep gouges or scratches that wouldn’t polish out. £20 posted.

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