
Devout Dirtbag
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Some time last night, my 1999 Klein Attitude Race was stolen from my locked & bolted garage.

It has a few distinctive features - none of which I am going disclose at the moment.

Please keep eyes open for various parts, especially XTR bits and the frame.

REWARD OFFERED for safe and complete return

Stolen from Willingdon/Eastbourne, East Sussex


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well the other bike was found last me. driving along I saw some young fella riding it so did a double take, stopped pronto and held on until the police arrived.

Insurance company have agreed to pay out for the Klein but have offered me very little; either an Orange Clockwork 120 or £678 cash

Take the clockwork. Can you choose between 27.5 or 29?

Over a grand for deore and lower end finishing kit does make you wonder how much a well specced modern bike will actually cost.

It's a difficult one this. I've got some of my bikes listed at their replacement value i.e. a full xtr spec full Susser from GT as a guide for my RTS. It really does depend on the policy you have and what insurers pay out for used items. If it is new for old, then the offer is way low, as is potentially the value of the clockwork.

I'm sure others on here have more useful experience in the area than I have. On the few occasions I've needed to claim for a stolen bike, I got the new value equivalent so didn't have to argue.

Sad to say that in my limited dealings with insurance companies lately, they do everything they can to wriggle out of paying you when needed, but are happy to take your money when it isn't.

Two examples:

I was driving along when a car pulled out of a side road and hit the rear side of my car. Driver admitted fault at the scene too, so fairly straightforward you'd think. Not so. Months of chasing got me nowhere, they were only prepared to do a 50/50 claim. I refused and said I'd happily go to court but they didn't want to. It was only after the garage that repaired the car sent a report to them confirming the damage was caused by the other driver hitting me, and not the other way around (for me to have caused the accident, I'd have to have been driving in reverse the wrong way along the road, or performing stunt parallel parking). Months still before they actually repaid me the money for the repairs.

Next up, attempted burglary. We heard them and scared them off. They damaged a door handle and some paint only but we reported it and they sent someone round to replace the handle and repaint the damage (I say repaint, ouch in scuffs). All in, about 30 mins work and £20 materials. Imagine my surprise when they wanted to up my premium by £900?? I queried why, and was faced with an aggressive guy stating that's what it cost to replace the door, locks and other work they did. I then had to prove that no new door or locks were replaced, which I did, then questioned why their supplier claimed they did all of these things, ripping them off and I was bearing the cost in my premium. They said they would investigate, which they did. Oddly, they were happy with their supplier, despite agreeing that no new door or locks were changed, and that my premium increase still stood. Suffice to say, I no longer insure anything with m&s insurance and never will again.

Rant over, I hope you get what is a fair value for your stolen bike. It is why you pay for insurance after all.