Steve Potts

This all seems very fishy, but 16 years...? :? How many times has the bike changed hands since the original guy bought it? If he found a 16 year old bike in a ditch on the side of a road, how is that different from picking something up at the local recycling centre? ...

Unless I missed something in the original thread, are people really trying to accuse this guy of actually pinching the bike.

I know I'm sounding controversial but bear in mind how many bikes get stolen.. I reckon a fair few of our prized possessions on this site were once stolen.. :shock:

I would find it hard to expect the Orange Sub 5 that i had stolen in 2007 to be returned to me if it turned up on ebay, let alone 16 years on.

I feel sorry for the guy who originally lost it, but hey... he has the chance to get it back.. if it meant that much, he only has to be civil to the seller.. otherwise, everyone else should bid away and let this puppy reach its true value.. :shock: :roll: but why not if no-one can prove otherwise..

I await to be shot down.. its cool.. I hate f*ckers who steal bikes, It's just the few who do, don't keep em for 16 years and then announce it of bike forums.
OrangeRetro":ekxfwinr said:
I await to be shot down.. its cool.. I hate f*ckers who steal bikes, It's just the few who do, don't keep em for 16 years and then announce it of bike forums.

you won't get shot by me,..there are more sides to it,..
Seller said he found the bike on the side of the road. The state law says that if you find something worth more than $100 you need to report it and see if someone claims it. After 30 days its yours. This guy found and flipped in 2 days. Also, as has been noted, the seller has been evasive about rust, not showing the worst photos of it and deleting the photos of the rust on his photobucket account. He also changed his story about how he got the bike. Maybe he is just getting defensive, but bids on this bike should go in with their eyes open.
Call me crazy, but.....

1. The two parties in question are really the same person. And this is all a stunt to garner a much higher price on the auction.

or, if different parties and more likely...

2. After reading some posts over on mtbr, this bike wasn't really 'stolen', but rather sold and now....

"I am still hoarding two brand new WTB original bottom bracket bearing sets. I also have a bunch of the roller cam bushings. Cam plates too. Now all I need is one of the many Potts I sold to come back to papa!"

Oh my God did I have Steve Potts bikes! I owned at least five of the brazed ones as well as half a dozen Cross Country Racers. Probably had five Pheonix too. If I had only kept one of them!!! At least I have my Potts Ti 29er.

Wanna guess who posted these little gems?? :LOL:
Just been reading all this...I hate to sound cynical, it's not my style, but it all smells of greed to me.

Let's face it, there's only a lot of fuss because it's a Potts. If it was something less desirable not only would the original owner be less concerned after 16 years (assuming that they probably went on to own several other bikes) the seller would probably be more willing to play ball with returning the frame to the original owner if he or she was so bothered, instead of being awkward and making excuses.

Each to their own I guess ;)
well then....

but look at all those colorful stars bidding on this bike


I've stopped bidding, mostly for the rust issues or non-issues; not worth the gamble right now.
Always difficult posting on threads like this because they are so wrapped up in emotive stuff. The theft of a bike is something that probably 90% of us has been the victim of at some time or at least knows of someone who has. This means that as soon as theft is mentioned poeple have a tendency to respond emotionally as though it were their bike that had been stolen. I think that this is clearly demonstrated by the majority of support falling for the guy who's bike was aledgedly stolen. The reality is that there is no evidence either way.

Even if the guy proves he originally owned it, so what? It doesn't prove that it was stolen or by whom. I know it would be wonderful if this story could have a fairytale ending of original owner reunited with stolen bike after 16 years but what if the fairytale is, original owner boasting to his mates down the pub that he managed to get a now valuable old bike back that he sold years ago after he saw someone post on a forum that they had found it and he kicked up a fuss and claimed it back for little or no money. Maybe neither and like someone already posted above it's as it appears. Guy finds the bike and posts about his find, then changes his story slightly as he realises that he has no claim over it if he found it. Original owner did have it stolen from him years ago and now feels totally justifed in wanting it back. Either way i'm in total agreement with mynchiboy. It's more than likely greed which is the driving force here :( .

Anyway just like rubbernecking a car crash I don't think that I will be alone in watching what happens with the sale.
