Well it's beet a while but I am 95% done with collecting parts for this build.
The bike is half together and is looking pretty sweet. Still have to get the hope calliper painted red, looked into anodising but in Australia there is no one doing it. Managed to find a place who can do clear or black but no one can to red. Think the paint will look good regardless.
Biggest pain were getting the handlebars and the rims. Managed to finally get some bars that are currently in transit.
The rims....
Found three, 2 black and 1 silver.
got the front built up and it looks sweet.
Sent the other 2 rims to get the black anodising removed, polished and the clear anodised. Rims sat there for months and finally get a call that the black was not coming off.... Took them home and removed the anno myself, dropped off to the polished and then hopefully in the next couple of days will drop back to the anodiser for the clear. then can get the wheel built.
Will add a few images and a little more of the build story in the next few days. Hoping to have it all finished in a couple of months.