Stem length / rise question

Have you thought about ergo grips? I had wrist pain a few years ago and found that the ergo grips allowed my hand to be better supported than a trad round grip. They're not expensive either so perhaps worth a try?

Yeh, I run Ergo grips on my "commuter" and I do like them. Will probably get another pair for the Kona.

At the moment I thinking;

- cut bars down from 715mm(ish) to my preferred 685mm
- Play with bar rotation and seat position to change the reach
- Try a set of Ergo grips

I have a sneaky feeling that my "usual" reach is actually a bit short. So going to try and lengthen it a little on the Kona and see how I get on.

It's not easy to monitor as I'm riding 3 or 4 bikes fairly regularly for different things (commuting, mtb-ing, exploring in general, nipping to the shop etc) and they all feel pretty comfy despite varying in size / reach / everything!!!

But I want to do some distances on the Kona so it needs to be comfy for 30 - 40 miles on varying terrain ideally.
You can't do much with the seat, as obvious your position over the crank needs to be fixed first......else you may not be peddling efficiently or comfortably. As the crank is a fixed point on most frames. The position fore/ aft and tilt all effect which muscle groups in your legs come into play.

Then alter stem / bars etc......thats how we did what i think is now called "bike fit" for which they charge big money!.....funny when I worked in a shop in the 80s we called it customer service 😂.
What about some of those Ergon 'Dad grips'?


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