Steel or Aluminium

Ultra Mikenus

Dirt Disciple

Which is better an aluminium or steel frame or is it purely down to rider preference & cost of the frame? Are Alu's more bouncy? :?
Aluminium is harsh in the body and the handling can be twitchy, higher end ones handle well, though same can be said with steel frames, higher end can be lighter than aluminium and very direct handling.
Ah, great, thank you, as I suspected.

I ask because I've seen an Orange P7 which looks very nice and there is a Cannondale M900, just can't decide which to go for :(
Depends on what your used to, some people stick with steel, some aluminium etc, both of those bikes are good riders so you won't go far wrong.
I've had a small amount of mountain bikes over the years, which for the majority have been steel namely;

Giant in '88 (was bout £150-£200 then had a harlequin type paint/sticker job)
Diamondback apex in '89
Marin Bear Valley SE
On-one inbred
Cannondale M300
Now - looking

My favourite to ride was the DB but I'm not sure if that's just rose-tinted..... I never had any issues with the 'Dale but just wonder if I should go for something 'different'.
Thing with bikes, it takes more than a ride or two to get to know if it suits you or not, hence I have been through loads of bikes in all materials!
both are good
d/b apex frames are really nice and quite underated imho
generally more choice for the alloy frames i think ,but try some leftfield
stuff , alpinestars cro-megas are worth a go in both e-stay and non-e-stay frames
Hi ultra......alloy frames are generally lighter and stiffer, but feel a little blunt and dead. Steel is more lively and communicative and better at transmitting trail buzz to the rider......truth is there are great bikes made in both materials and both will have their supporters. I prefer steel but have more alloy bikes than steel......whatever you ride, just get out and enjoy!..... ;)