Spotted on the street

Is that a genuine BSA para bike?
Looks it, with the correct brakes grips and chainset/foot spindles, but postwar saddle.
Part of the design brief was to have as few standard parts as possible, to stop squaddies and others pinching parts.

I i bought one of these at auctionp £300 but a great ride it wasn't, those spindles mean you have to ride in army boots, and so put the axle too far back on your foot. Original WD tyres on mine, but they melted in storage😪
I sold it when they reached an easy £1000, altho they have risen further.

Never actually used in an operational parachute drop - I don't think a parachutist wants to land on a bsa bicycle - and one of those lucky fellas who jumped off the landing crafts into the Normandy waters told me that soldier+pack+rifle+bicycle was heavier than water, so they were mostly left on the seabed🙄