Sports Casuals MM09 Virtual Training Camps - Tapering!

Did the Dyfi Enduro over the weekend. Around 50Km in total and something in the region of 1500 - 2000M of ascent depending on who you ask!

TT tomorrow night. Hoping for a PB.
Not much being posted on this thread! I hope everyone's too busy training!
I got out onto the South Downs yesterday, I'm lucky to be able to take in a nice loop past Devil's Dyke home, not a massive ride, but every little counts.

Well windy yesterday though! Anyone remember that old Mint Sauce strip where he's just getting blown about? It was just like that.


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36 Days?!?!

Holy cerap. I really need to get this retro ride sorted out in time. It's still apparently lurking in a garage in Cardiff somewhere.

Re. training this week has so far consisted of an exploratory night ride with a local guide of some new forestry in the Dyfi area. Plans afoot for an epic around Nant-yr-Arian and the MBR Killer Loop + Extras on Sunday in the pissing rain.
Never been before but been told to bring every piece of Cycling clothing with you and black bin liners!!
Had another good run out on Saturday with the NE Group, around 20miles of Dalby Red and a high intensity blast on Sunday morning of around 45 mins.
Dalby was quite a good yardstick. I last rode it in January on my 18lb Kona Hei Hei and was pretty knackered at the finish. Did the same route on my 37lb Klunker and felt great at the finish. I'm a little sore in the arms and shoulders today but it is very physical to ride and must use muscles not usually used much on a regular bike. I think that last months epic killer over Cut Gate really has made a difference in stamina if not outright speed.

Now hoping to get out 3 nights a week plus Sunday morns in the run up, plus there is the upcoming MacRetro meet- all to be done on the Klunk.

Bike wise, I think the Klunk will be reliable enough, it got a real workout around Dalby which has got quite rough over the winter- nothing to report apart from a few loose bolts which a dab of loctite will sort. I'll take the Yo as a back up too, just in case.

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