Spoke length calculations?

jimo746":331hr73w said:
yeah it's TiGlide front & rear. I guess the rear non-drive side will be about the same as the front spoke length as it's offset more.
So do I add a few mm's to the front spokes to take into account the twists of the snowflake lacing pattern?
I'm not even going to kid on that I know the answer, but your logic sounds reasonable.

There appears to be a guy on PB who says he knows his snowflake rims (http://www.pinkbike.com/forum/listcomme ... &pagenum=3)

To quote him (Scoen):

"Ive been building and riding twist lace wheels on all my bikes- DH to dirt jumping, and a number of my friends bike. not a single problem. here are a few points i would like to comment on -
1. weight - not really an issue, you add 3mm of spoke for every full twist. 3mm x 32 spokes = 96mm. a dt swiss 14g champion spoke weighs 5.9 grams for a 264 mm spoke. that mean you add a whole 2.14 grams to your wheel."

[He goes on. Click the link if you're interested]

Use this at your own discretion! I accept no responsibility if it turns out to be utter nonsense! :lol:
Interesting. Last time I did a snowflake pattern I just relaced a 3-cross wheel... probably not ideal, but it never gave me any problems, and i used the wheel for a few years afterwards.

The site linked with the database has both the front and rear hope hubs in, but measure to be sure. To be honest the hub differences of a similar size only have a small effect, rim has the buggrst if you get it wrong. You have the erd (mavic quote for something slightly different so add 3mm to it).

I know the site quite well as I added a lot to it and chatted to the bloke about stuff. It is all based on the same calculations as per spocalc excellent sheet as should most spoke calculators. It is just a bit of trigonometry in the end.

What varies between calcs is where they decide the spoke should end.

Do you have any spokes to hand

The 260to 269 are the standard length you find with 26" wheels. Most around the 264 to 267 length . 32hole 3x. At least for retro rims.

I placed the hope dimension in the wiki to, direct from the old hope sites.

Twisting spokes alters thing a lot and no calc I know caters for it. I guess it depends where you wish to place the nipple end number if spokes, thickness if spoke at the twist...