Spesh Serial Number

What frame is it?

I'm no expert, but dimly recall an explanation of (some) Spesh serial numbers along the lines of:

first letter = factory code
second = year, i.e. 6 = 1996
third = month ABCDE..., i.e. I = September?

Frames built from about Sept/Oct onwards are probably for the next model year.

Someone else will surely correct me.


Hi guys
IIRC Nimbus's coding is for S works which as far as I know is the only one you can pinpiont the factory and month where and when it was built precisely.
The others can get quite tricky really, even for specialized as they dont have any records for the older ones.
Need to know the model especially and original colour if known and anything that originally came on it to be able to narrow it down. This is the same way a specialized dealer will age it, basically by catalogue searching.
So certainly a picture and some more info would be a good start and I am sure we will work it out.

A1 Rocky

Well we are getting there
That narrows it down to the years 94 - 2006 ;)
I bet you the colour was red as well :LOL:
No seriously though, a colour and what it was equiped with, XT, Deore, LX etc and also if you can tell us whether it had the rockhopper decal on the downtube or the top tube as that will bring it into a closer time space on its own.
We are getting there, its all a process of elimination and we have already halved the options originally just by the fact its A1.

Sounds exactly like the one I have for my partner, would you describe it as similar in colour to the original Rock Shox Judy XC champagne type colour or definately silver? If the same as hers then 1995/6 I think, I will try to find a pic so you can compare