For the record, I didn't post the bit of OS map because it's an exceptionally hilly spot, but rather because it's a fair example of what surrounds me.
Obviously there are way fitter cyclists than me out there, and bigger hills than the ones I can see out of my back window. I'm a 45 year old man, in a hilly area, with creaky knees who wants to cycle more. Besides I've always tended to be more of a spinner than a masher. Low gears are more critical than high ones and based on my other bikes I'd say that the gearing on the on one would be about right as a compromise, especially assuming I prefer not to get off and push it when I hit a 1:5
Obviously I get that 1x is a compromise. I also ride a single speed bike. Most people would say it's geared too low but it suits me.
Anyway I've sort of made a start at building up the Dawes Synthesis. It will have a triple chainset. Besides I can't really afford a new bike at he moment, and I like old stuff.