Not sure what it's worth and forgive my ignorance but I understand this is a pretty fine clasic bike. I've had it for 7 years or so as a hand me down from a friend (a good friend at that). It's served me well but there's no getting away from it, it's just too small for me (I'm 6ft 2 and had to have the saddle almost at full extension) so I want to buy a new mtb that fits. Not sure of bits on it other than what you can see in the pics. Original wheels, all original lx deore bits and a Force Lite straight bar. Buyer would probably need to collect. I noticed someone on here was looking for around £200 for theirs - but like I said, not sure what it's worth so any offers please? If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Location - Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey
Location - Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey