Specialized Hard Rock Mystery.


Retro Newbie
This morning while walking the dogs I found a Specialized Hard Rock dumped in a stream.
I dragged it out, it had probably been there a couple of days, it wasn’t there on Friday when I went past.
It had a puncture, no saddle, but apart from that, it looked ok. I wheeled it home.
I have tried to find the serial number looking in all the usual places to no avail.
Anyway, after sending out local WhatsApp messages to see if it belongs to anyone I set about having a fettle. I have also searched BikeRegister no luck there either.

I removed the seatpost which was seized, cleaned out the seat tube, repaired the puncture, checked the brakes, gears, trued the rear wheel, and put on a spare saddle.

Can any of you good folks help with telling me where the serial number is, and what the approximate year the bike is please?
I’ve searched the site and googled but as yet to no avail.


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