spd Vs toeclips

Cannot advocate clipless pedals highly enough. It's the stiff sole in the shoe that makes ALL the difference.

Once you've tried it you'll be amazed at the difference (and laugh at all the energy you used to use in bending the soles your old trainers!!!!)

Just spend some time getting the cleat position right, a good starting point is to have the pedal axle under the ball of your foot.

Slacken tension off for the first few rides, and away you go.


Ps copper slip is your cleat bolts bestest friend!! You cannot use too much!!!
Specialized shoes are fantastic!

Eggbeaters are real nice pedals,only buy a few pairs at a time as the bearings wear out far too quickly.

Time aliums are your best bet IMHO and it just so happens i have a spare pair for sale! ;)

Had SPD's since day one. Great idea. Toe clips whats that all about. bad idea. tried candy - piss poor build. But bloody light
My knees are shot to hell due to running injuries that I never let recover properly when I was young and (more) stupid. :roll: I've been using SPDs since '93 and they've never caused me any problems at all. I think there can be issues if there is no float in the cleats but Shimano cleats have a few degrees so have never caused any problems.

With I could say the same for running. If I run for more than a couple of hundred yards I can't walk for days. :?

It does give me a good excuse for gettin out on the bike more though. :D
The entry level ritchey V4 pedals are the best I have ever tried as far as entry and release, and they have tension screws. The V4 have a very open system to shed mud too. Nice compramise between SPD and eggbeater,and cheap, allthough the bearings don't last a long time.

I tried the eggbeaters but the float is so big, I toppled over trying to unclip.

The Ritchey V4 has become the gold standard for me.
my knees are rubbish but use spds all the time, my mid 90s xts are still going strong, bit of float helps, keep em slack to start......never look back!

SPD's or Ritchey I find superb, Can't get on with the Crank Bros, the cleats creak and the berings last, well about 5 miles if your lucky before play sets in. The bearings are just so small and very very badly engineered. Make sure You wind the tension adjusters right off to set off with(both sides!!!!!) until you master the dark art of unclipping.
i had some practise falling of at traffic lights today :D and was only thinking of spd's, :oops:. i rode up to halfords to get a 1" starnut and my chain popped a link due to a loose crank bolt. the result was me bouncing all over trying to recover my legs and faceplanting in front of traffic :roll: i quickley pulled my chain off so that everyone knew this was not my normal style of riding and was the bikes falt!
i think if im going to try spd's im going to get one of them wireless cameras too, at least then i might win myself £250 :D