spd Vs toeclips

I still love the look of clips and straps, but after using clipples since 93 i dont think i would ever go back, get some you will not regret it :D
One issue with spd's, if you've dodgy knees, they could make them worse. I did the spud thing for a while, about 2-3 years, but had so much pain in my knees it just wasn't worth it.
Went back to flats, pain stopped.
Problem is now I want to go back to spuds, got the pedals ready to fit and a big box of painkillers at hand :?
Once you get over the "SPD related injuries" phase, mostly to your ego as you fall off at low speed after forgetting to unclip. SPD's are the way to go.

On a related note, my epic was supplied with crank brother smarty SL's and im thinking about swapping them out as I have always used shimano before, and find the smarty's much more difficult to clip into.... is it just me or does any one else find this with CB pedals?
The problem lots of people have with going spd is the commitment - purchase of pedals and shoes ain't cheap :(

I have never regretted making the change and they really are the way to go for anything other than a ride to the pub. They also take only a few goes to get used to them although you wil have at least one graceless clipped in topple :?
spd - shimano pedalling dynamics


I've only ever fallen off twice since 1993 - both times very drunk. They become second nature.

And, if they're set up right, those with dodgy knees need not quail.

(those with dodgy knees blame Biopace, SPDs, the Sun, fairy cakes and Dot from Eastenders for their knee troubles - nothing to do with the fact that they simply cant pedal....?)

Use Time Atac's instead. Fantastic mud clearance, more flexible (in case of knee trouble) and they last forever. Just weigh a bit more.
Have been using Toe Clips since the day I started in 1989..... Just tried SPD's this year Because I wanted to put 'm on my GROOVY...tried 'm for 3 months really hard (had all my SPD related crashes and sillyness... :LOL: )and it just doesn't seem to work for me :?
I just prefer the extra "feel" you get when your riding on your Vans (ie) I know it's def. not as efficient but I just enjoy it so much more :D
Toe clips for me again :!:
cheers Roy... and good luck trying offcourse
rienster":1hx2nujt said:
Use Time Atac's instead. Fantastic mud clearance, more flexible (in case of knee trouble) and they last forever. Just weigh a bit more.

Agreed. I CAN pedal and DO have dodgy knees ;) and I went for the ATACs for the extra "give". Never had any issues at all.

What you need to do is get your mates to change to them at the same time, that way when you stop in the middle of a ride, you ALL forget you're wearing them, collapse like a pack of cards and cant ride for 10 minutes cos you're laughing too hard.... worked for me :LOL:
i dont like the sound of knee problems as i have dodgy knees already due to the nature of my work, but im still going to have a go.
most of my riding is to work now as i dont have time for proper rides, i try to take the off road routes, lots of allys and paths round here. i think its going to be a while till i get used to them. should be a laugh and of course i will keep you informed of any comical mishaps :D