SPD Pedals

I remember the XT PD-M737 pedals and the grey SH-M100 disco slippers first coming out at the end of 1990.
My 'rich' mate got some as soon as they hit the shops, I however had to save up and got my first set in 1993. I had to settle for the cheaper LX PD-M525 and some of the SH-M110 shoes.

Since then I've had the PD-M747, PD-M535, PD-M636 versions and several pairs of the more modern variations.

What I really like is that Shimano got the cleat design right first time and it has remained virtually unchanged.
I can use the same shoes and cleats with my old sets of 737s and my new M540s.

The old pedals also last forever.
Why was it M737 when the rest of the group was still M732/5? Don't think the rest of the 737 groupo came along until 1994 :?