South West Retro Ride - Sunday 8th January - Woodbury C'mon!

Hi. Probably, if not could collect your bike the day before if you can drive you're kit car up! :lol: I'm working in Exeter the night before so would save myself a few miles and get an extra hour in bed!!!
Looking forward to this, I will be bringing my Brother along 8)

Hmmmm what bike to ride is the question (as it usually is) I am thinking blue and orange :wink:
my might be going ot this, been a long time, and been a bit distracted with a new girlfriend, but now she has given her blessing, allowing me to go :D
Did the route on saturday, and it's WET up on Woodbury at the moment - probably even wetter now as it's been hammering down the last few days.

Woodbury's normally known for being rideable in any weather, but I do hope we have a clear day or two this week!
It's defo gonna be a muddy one, so I'd recommend a change of clothing in the car :wink: should be fun though.
Am getting to hate mud, too much of it. Better put the (mk 1) crud catcher on then. Can't we just go round & round the dry-ish bits?
Anyone got left-over mince pies & xmas cake to bring? + jumble?
jimbo-xc":u5j7ho85 said:
Am getting to hate mud, too much of it. Better put the (mk 1) crud catcher on then. Can't we just go round & round the dry-ish bits?

There weren't that many dry bits left at the weekend!
Really looking forward to this one, Woodbury brings back loads of good memories of 90's xc races.
Good idea Tim, if you want to pick up the bike on Saturday & I can drive up in my stupidly impractical car on sunday... it hates those pot holes in the four firs car park almost as much as it like carry bikes.

I'll text you in the next few days mate, cheers!

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