SOS - Amplifier II Rear Shock options


Retro Newbie
I recently was gifted a well sheltered '96 Mongoose Amplifier II. Unfortunately, it was well sheltered because the previous rider blew out the stock risse shock and didn't want to replace it. The shock is unsalvageable. I'm having issues finding a replacement shock due to how small the width of the mounting is. Any tips? The cheaper the better.

Thanks in advance!
If it's just a matter of seals, valves or such, then Risse will be able to service the shock and make it good again.

There are often a few original AMP coil over shocks knocking around, II think I have one in a drawer somewhere), but TBH the Risse shocks are way better. Well worth salvaging if possible.

All the best,
Have a Risse shock off an broken Amplifier II frame (cracked seat stay) w. 5 rides on it sitting on my desk.
Did you find a shock? I have one off mine. Bought the frame new, 5 rides on it and I cracked the seat stay on it