Building a bike up and I don't have a suitable saddle for it. Got one fitted but it doesn't quite sit right (carbon guess saddle). Nothing I have suits so hoping someone has something here.
Funds are tight but after something suitable for a carbon framed 29er build, with sids and xo kit, so something in keeping with the build quality please.
I've plenty of parts to trade, including some nice retro flite titanium saddles, so if anyone has anything they fancy trading, or something at a price I can afford, let me know.
My trade options aren't just saddles, I've plenty of retro and modern parts, so if you fancy a trade and are after something specific, let me know, I may have what you need.
Funds are tight but after something suitable for a carbon framed 29er build, with sids and xo kit, so something in keeping with the build quality please.
I've plenty of parts to trade, including some nice retro flite titanium saddles, so if anyone has anything they fancy trading, or something at a price I can afford, let me know.
My trade options aren't just saddles, I've plenty of retro and modern parts, so if you fancy a trade and are after something specific, let me know, I may have what you need.