sorry wills and kate


Retrobike Rider
PoTM Winner
hello there

i would just like to say sorry to wills and kate
my boss has given me the day off paid
so no wedding for me
im off to the forest with the kona and spend the day riding
my two sons are also coming

whats everyone upto today????

kirbdug :D
just downing the last of my energy drink (coffee) before getting the bike out of the garage and heading for the woods, its a lovely day, shame to waste it sat inside watching TV :D
I am languishing in a town with no forests. Not enough derv in the truck to take off somewhere with a forest (or nice trail) either..

Stuck indoors.. pretty much..
The missus poorly so looking after the boy, and periodically throwing pain killers in the missus direction while watching Mythbusters (NCIS saved up for later)

No bike tinkering or riding as a consequence, though as it's a BH on Monday as well I don't mind.
Sat wearing head to toe Union Flag glued to her Britannic Majesty's Broadcasting Company televisual channel. The boys - Charles, Andrew, Edward and Anne are enjoying a street party. Weeping with joy into my Cross of St George kleenex. A big cockerney style knees up later - whelks, Yorkshire pudding, Queen Mum on toast, corgi fritters and lashings of ginger beer. Might even have to watch the Dambusters later

That's all a fib, actually waiting for touch up paint to dry so I can rebuild ny road bike