Songs I Can't Listen To Without Crying.


Retro Wizard
No. 1.

I was working on a wind farm a few years ago with an electrician,during lunch I mentioned that I was working on my Triumph at the weekend,then he told me of his father`s Vincent and how it was his prized posession that he saved for a few years to attain in his youth but now was just languishing unused in the shed as his father was gravely ill and had only a few months to live.I mentioned this song and he played it on his laptop.He listened to it with tears streaming down his face.Still get a lump in me throat when I hear it.

Interesting idea for a thread.

I have a few, "I can't make you love me" is probably the most guaranteed (Bonnie Raitt or George Michael - both are just as good in different ways), nails that painful, bittersweet situation so well.

"Dream baby Dream" by Suicide is also up there, more for it's positive message. Bruce Springsteen also does a sweet live version of it, watching the video ALWAYS makes me cry:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I agree,anything by Ed Sheeran makes me cry....

For the future of popular music. :p



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