Someone please buy this Kilauea and restore it

I’ve not looked at the link but this must be the green and yellow frame. It’s in need of some help for sure.
At least the guy had a vision for what he was trying to achieve. A twisted, hideous vision and without the skills to realise it, but a vision nonetheless.
Definitely an 'each to their own' moment there.Did these suffer with horrendous chain-stay smashing chain slap?Or did someone run out of paint? 🤔 Doesn't help to show what it should look like.Lets have a look at what you could have won...😟😢

Highlight for me is the wobbly lettering on the top tube. fridge.jpg
Colours and stickers look horrible.
I saw this the other week on ebay. I had a 1997 Kilauea and loved the colour and stickers.
I hope the frame was in bad condition when he did that to it.
I had one of these and wished I’d never sold it but redundancy and life prevailed.. I’ve always thought the original colour and decals such a nice combo, not sure there are psychedelics strong enough to make me do this to one!