SOLD - Sunn 5000 Racing

Description update. Only the front tire has some cracks but rear tire is 100% ok. Note that both front and rear are NOS tires ;)
Regarding front hub, everything is fixed and serviced now, so everything solved and ok now and it rolls prefectly.
Price reduced at 220£ !
Note that both front and rear tires wear cracks (even if these are NOS).
So these are ok for photos but can't be ridden as is.
But ! I've a pair of NOS Hutchinson Rock X Country (1 kevlar + 1 normal, both tanwalls) tires that I can sell with the bike depending on the price discussions ;)
Every body says that this Sunn is nice ... but it is still in my garage... :eek:
No one wanna add it to his personal collection and ride on a part of the 90's mtb history ?