SOLD Ibis steel road bike 1992 58.5cm Mavic SSC group MINT

Hi Matt,


Yes, sold long ago and I have no remaining parts. I'll ask around, but not too many buddies collect the Mavic stuff. I imagine ebay is your best bet outside of the other forums.

A worthy project I might add. I had an ADR Bottecchia from the Lemond era myself at one time. Great bike.

Good luck,
G'day Ryan!

Thanks so much for responding nonetheless, mate...can't tell you how much I appreciate it...but as I said earlier, you never know if you don't ask!

Yeah, I check eBay EVERY BLOODY DAY (Aussie, US, UK, French versions!!) & have put the word out there to the European sellers with whom I have dealt the most...something will come up somewhere, from someone...surely?!

Yeah, I love this frame but I won't be 100% passionate about it without the full group set, as I'm sure you can understand...

Thanks again for responding & I'd love to hear from you in the future with either the 821 shifters, 440 brake levers...or even better, BOTH?!!

Cheers & best wishes from "Down Under", champion...keep that gorgeous GTO in one piece, yeah?

Hey Matt,

I've come across a bike locally that I believe has the Mavic parts you are looking for…full Mavic group actually. See pics attached (sorry, the best I could get from the guy). Are these what you are after?

I'd be willing to get them for you and send them if you wanted it, however it is on a pretty old Cannondale without much value and the fella is asking quite a bit (stress on asking!). To know if my effort would be validated, may I ask how much the parts you are after are worth? I'm certain I could get something for the frameset and leftover Mavic parts, but would need to be sure I at least break even.



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G'day Ryan!!

How's things in NYC, my friend?! Good weather, I'm guessing? My mother just departed for your shores for the next 7 weeks, actually. She & my father owned a beautiful Austin-Healey BT7 (the 6-cylinder, & I wouldn't normally mention this to a guy upon a cycling site but you're also into cars!!) until my father suddenly died 5 years ago & made MANY friends throughout the world via the A-H club, even freighting the car to Sweden & to the States on different occasions (& then enduring the 'fun' of driving a RHD vehicle upon roads that run opposite to ours, haha!!). So anyway, she's there for this year's A-H rally in the States & to catch up with a heap of friends throughout your country, as well as my cousin in Burbank, CA.

Anyway, onto the topic at hand! Man, I simply CANNOT BELIEVE how kind of a gesture this is from you, seriously mate!! I'm honoured that you simply remembered me, let alone to approach me with such a kind & generous offer! Well, first off, seeing as though I am building up two ADR-Agrigel replicas (the neon yellow TVT92 frame that Lemond used in the mountains & the red/white SLX frame that he rode upon the standard {non-TT}, flatter stages), I still require a 305 headset, 631 'starfish' crankset, 821 shifters, 860 (clamp-on) FD, 851 RD & 440 brake levers/calipers. And I've recently become keen upon locating a nice pair of 571/2 hubs, if I can find them at the right price.

So, from what I can see from the tiny (not your fault!!) photos (it may also have a Mavic stem, 'bars, seatpost, BB & hubs but if that's not a Mavic 305 headset, then perhaps they're not Mavic 'bars/stem?), it definitely has the 631 'starfish' crankset, 821 shift levers, an 860 or 862 FD (can't see whether it's clamp-on or not?) & 440 brake levers, all of which appear to be in good condition, taking into account the size of the photos. The headset doesn't appear to be a 305, judging by the blue band upon it, when the 305 bears 2 black bands at the middle & bottom. I can only assume that the brake calipers would be 440's, which would be great. And I would assume that the RD is an 840 (because the right shifter is indexed, as was the 840 RD) & although I already have a nice one (I'm after a non-indexed 851 RD to pair with my retrofriction Simplex shifters - as Lemond used upon each of his bikes in the '89 TDF), I would grab that too, at the right price.

I've just noticed the final 4 words of my previous two paragraphs - "at the right price", haha!! Entirely coincidental, btw! And I've just been thinking that I could save a heap on shipping if this did come through OK within the next 6 weeks, as I could pay you & have you ship the parts to my Mum's friend's house in San' Fran', & my 'old chook' could bring them home in her luggage - whether she likes it or not!!

Anyway, back to price. I'll write what is a 'reasonable' price (in $US, based upon the current conversion rate from AUD to USD) for each of the items in good, used condition (the 440 brake levers, in particular, vary greatly in price because, as you would already know, they're all too often the most easily damaged parts upon a bike & these levers were either painted or anodised grey, much like the 600 Ultegra 'tricolour' series brake levers - hence easily chipped paint). Of course, eBay will tell you otherwise at times but that's also why those some items have been sitting there for many, many months, if not longer. And their items also include seller few & shipping costs, so please forgive me if I'm a bit out on one or two of them, as I always have to take shipping into account with everything, as EVERYTHING that I'm looking for is either in Europe or the States, dammit!!). But seeing as though I already have nice examples of the 305 headset, 631 crankset, 821 shifters, 862 FD, 840 RD & 440 brake calipers, so I'll simply slightly overstate the prices that I paid for each of them, as well as what I'm aiming to pay for the other 2 items (860 FD & 440 brake levers). Also, I have no idea whatsoever what this guy is asking for his bike at this stage?! So, here goes...

305 headset ($50 - $55)
631 crankset ($60 - $65)
860 front derailleur - clamp-on ($50)
851 rear derailleur - non-indexed ($55)
840 rear derailleur - indexed ($55 - $60)
821 shifters ($75 - $100)
440 brake levers ($65 - $75)
440 brake calipers ($70 - $75)

Hope to hear from you soon, Ryan. And I cannot possibly overstate my appreciation for your email & offer to do this for me, just phenomenal! And re: payment, I could easily pay you via either PayPal or Transferwise (heard of the latter before? The guy in Hungary from whom I purchased the Bottecchia SLX frame introduced me to it & it's awesome!) if this all pulls through. But the seller of the bike will most certainly need to a) tell you whether the bike has a 305 headset & which models the FD & RD are, as well as the brands/model of stem/'bars, seatpost, saddle, rims/hubs & b) supply you with better resolution photos of all of the Mavic parts, so that we can ascertain the condition of them.

Well, I've certainly been verbose enough here, & my apologies for not replying sooner, mate but I crashed at my mate's place the previous two nights & he's a massive stoner who had neglected to sort out his internet problems -so I was back in the previous century for two days!!

Cheers & my very best wishes from "Down Under"...have a great weekend, bud...Matt.
thanks for the note. my dad had an AH as well, beautiful 106 BN2. Recently sold it to fund a restoration of a muscle car he has. it was a fun car to drive.

Anyhow, I just got better resolution pics of the bike and parts. send me your personal email and I'll forward. everything looks to be in fantastic condition.

Talk soon.
Hey Ryan-O!

Man, talk about a small freaking world!! NO ONE usually knows WTF I'm talking about when I say BT7 or BJ8, etc!! It's freaky enough to find a fellow car enthusiast upon a cycling site, let alone another one with a parent(s) who formerly owned Healeys!! Jesus Christ!!

Yeah, I should have given you my email address in my previous email, sorry 'bout that...


It sounds great so far!! The cranks certainly looked very nice, despite the rather petite photo, as did the brake levers...

May I ask how much he's asking for the bike, mate? As I have no idea what your idea of expensive is for this entire bike (you have NO IDEA how spoiled you are in the States when it comes to the prices of things compared to here - I nearly cry when I see how cheap some of the LOOK bikes that I've seen have sold for where you are!! Oh & btw, I'm a 100% lifelong - well, since I was 11 back in '85 - LOOK FREAK!! Own 4 LOOK bikes, as well as God only knows how many sets of pedals, carbon Ergoposts, shoes & virtually everything else that they ever made re: accessories!), perhaps I'm expecting it to be more expensive than what it is, I don't know? But my point is that if you are able to make a nice amount of $ from this as well as doing me a BIG favour (or "solid", as many of you guys seem to say?!), I'd be über-rapt, honestly...just wanted to say that to you...

Thanks heaps for the quick response & if I don't reply as quickly the next time, it's because it's now almost 3am down here & I'm KNACKERED!! And I took a couple of sleeping pills & sedatives not long ago that even a couple of Red Bulls probably won't revive me from...?!!

Cheers & best wishes again from "Down Under", my friend...Matt.

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