I bought this bike locally, but the paint, oh the paint was terrible. Such a beautiful bike as this deserved much better. Driving home today with this in the back seat, I was thinking of just hanging this on the wall--it truly is a piece of art! But, I think it deserves more...it deserves to be built, and owned by someone that will use it (or alternatively, hang it on THEIR wall!)
After stripping the bike of parts, I as faced with a fairly scratched up and in parts, terribly repainted bike. So, I ordered some decals (had the ALTITUDE TOs produced locally, and got the rest from one of the recommended vendors on these boards) and brought this to my local paint shop. I hope the results speak for themselves...they took (no word of a lie) 5 months to complete the job (they mainly do high end cars, and agreed to do this when they had time here and there!) In the nature of full disclosure, after this awesome paint job, I can only identify two minor issues. First, the rear brake bosses were sprayed. This can easily be remedied by a sandpaper strip...secondly, of course, on the way home from the paint shop today, I scratched the rear right chain stay on my door. Scratched the paint a bit there, there is just very minor damage (seen in the 4th picture posted here!)
For sale, is the frame and fork, both sandblasted down and repainted from scratch. The maple leaf pattern was NOT easy to do (for my professional painter, but he persevered). This is just a gorgeous job...I'd keep it but I'm moving on to other (not better) things bike-wise! Let my loss be to your gain. This does NOT look like a 20 year old frame! It is the 19.5" size, e-mail me if you have any questions or want geometry measured...
Let's start at $750USD (NOW SOLD!) for frame & fork. The Judy SL lowers were also repainted at the same time! At that price, I'll include a Race Face headset and BB (both anodized red)...please let me know (kindly) if my pricing is off. Shipping will be charged at the actual rate, from me in Canada!
Please e-mail me if you have any questions or if you want any more detailed pics! I will also be selling my Kona ti Hei Hei build in another post, keep your eyes open for that one!
Thanks for looking!
After stripping the bike of parts, I as faced with a fairly scratched up and in parts, terribly repainted bike. So, I ordered some decals (had the ALTITUDE TOs produced locally, and got the rest from one of the recommended vendors on these boards) and brought this to my local paint shop. I hope the results speak for themselves...they took (no word of a lie) 5 months to complete the job (they mainly do high end cars, and agreed to do this when they had time here and there!) In the nature of full disclosure, after this awesome paint job, I can only identify two minor issues. First, the rear brake bosses were sprayed. This can easily be remedied by a sandpaper strip...secondly, of course, on the way home from the paint shop today, I scratched the rear right chain stay on my door. Scratched the paint a bit there, there is just very minor damage (seen in the 4th picture posted here!)
For sale, is the frame and fork, both sandblasted down and repainted from scratch. The maple leaf pattern was NOT easy to do (for my professional painter, but he persevered). This is just a gorgeous job...I'd keep it but I'm moving on to other (not better) things bike-wise! Let my loss be to your gain. This does NOT look like a 20 year old frame! It is the 19.5" size, e-mail me if you have any questions or want geometry measured...
Let's start at $750USD (NOW SOLD!) for frame & fork. The Judy SL lowers were also repainted at the same time! At that price, I'll include a Race Face headset and BB (both anodized red)...please let me know (kindly) if my pricing is off. Shipping will be charged at the actual rate, from me in Canada!
Please e-mail me if you have any questions or if you want any more detailed pics! I will also be selling my Kona ti Hei Hei build in another post, keep your eyes open for that one!
Thanks for looking!