So.....what should I do?


Retro Newbie
Hi All,

My pride an joy was stolen a year or so ago. I bought it around 1998 - a Trek 7000 zx, upgraded with XT and XTR as well as some DMR pedals, from memory they were the V12? Judy T2 forks and put some decent magics on. Really looked after it and to be honest except for the first couple of years it was not used that much. It was the gold version and looked wicked.

Always nice to see the bike you had invested in quite heavily (i was 21 when purchased and upgraded the spec - it was worth three times more than my car) then sold on Gumtree for £150!!!!!!

Anyway, I have been looking for ages an I have finally found another one (only 7 miles from where I live!!).

It is never going to be the same, i know this.

However, what do i do??

The frame is in reasonable nick, no dents although the paintwork/decals are not as good as I would have hoped although for a bike that is nearly 20 years old aint bad...

Do i rebuild to the previous spec - a bit like Triggers broom :D or do i go further, i.e. repaint/powder coat, try and source the original decals (which sounds like a 'mare) and then rebuild using more contemporary components (is that a swear word on this site - I don't wish to offend.

I a interested to gauge an opinion - and advice would be very much welcome, to give you an idea of what it looks like see the link below (although I have more or less stripped the bike as the components were nowhere near as good, and that aint happening!!

Apologies for the War and Peace tome as my first post - i promise to be more concise in future....

Cheers :?

Make it into everything you ever dreamed of and wanted, and can currently afford to build.

I agree too- go for it and make it its own bike- even better than you remember your first 7000. Otherwise it might never quite live up to the old bike you're trying to make it. Go all out! Doesn't have to mean spending a fortune but I would definitely have it powder coated/ anodised/ painted.

Id keep frame as original looking as possible, other components do as you please.