So many bike sites seem to loathe "retro". Why?

I had no idea that Kleins were for conservatives. I'll have to give them a second look. I've never been on 4chan and I accepted that being a mountain biker also means tolerating liberals and I'm OK with that. I really just wish liberals would extend the same tolerance to other points of view. People are going nuts. I've never seen such divide. We are all here because we love vintage bikes. Let's keep it at that.
People are going nuts. I've never seen such divide. We are all here because we love vintage bikes. Let's keep it at that.

Do you mean in this thread? .. It all seems pretty good natured to me.. nobody is having a meltdown

I had no idea that Kleins were for conservatives.

I'm not sure they are.. it was just tongue in cheek.. a bit of fun at the expense of Klein owners, i added emoji's for sentiment.
Do you mean in this thread? .. It all seems pretty good natured to me.. nobody is having a meltdown
Not in this thread. People on here are great. Just the left wing in general has gone nuts with rioting over the past few years. Then the left wing in the media is putting out all sorts of disinformation and then gaslighting the public. People on social media are reporting things honestly and the regular medial calls them disinformation. It's all exhausting and gets really disgusting quickly. As for the Klein thing, I took it as tongue in cheek.

I really need to hit a trail this weekend. I'm at 42.5 hours worked so far this week and have 2 hours to go. I'm a cranky middle aged man complaining about all the young whippersnappers. I'm going to go yell at the kids to stay off my lawn now. Then maybe this evening I can go for a ride and fell good again.
Yeah, I'm not getting sucked into a left vs right debate. Even though, in posts above, you can see EXACTLY the reason why things are so fractured.

I have always striven to accept and try to understand all points of views, all upbringings and opinions and politics, personal and not. But hate and bigotry and harm are hate and bigotry and harm. It's actually quite hard not to engage in debate about some of this stuff, but hey, this ain't the place, I get it. I'm not likely to change anyone's mind who thinks liberals are out of control rioting, or that the good outweighs the bad in a place like 4Chan, so I don't mean to try.

All I'm going to suggest is valuing human life and people's individual choices and freedoms above all else. Ideally you are also able to let your politics follow the same principles you live your life by.

As for sticking to cycling and dropping politics, I definitely agree to a point.

But you also can't pretend that those same politics and social issues we might be skirting around aren't connected to all things in life, which includes what we do in and with our spare time, and all the things we love that are a break from the daily horrors of the world.

Bikes bring all sorts of people together. That in and of itself is a political act.
Not in this thread. People on here are great. Just the left wing in general has gone nuts with rioting over the past few years. Then the left wing in the media is putting out all sorts of disinformation and then gaslighting the public. People on social media are reporting things honestly and the regular medial calls them disinformation. It's all exhausting and gets really disgusting quickly. As for the Klein thing, I took it as tongue in cheek.

I really need to hit a trail this weekend. I'm at 42.5 hours worked so far this week and have 2 hours to go. I'm a cranky middle aged man complaining about all the young whippersnappers. I'm going to go yell at the kids to stay off my lawn now. Then maybe this evening I can go for a ride and fell good again.

Remove the words "left wing" from all your comments and I'd pretty much agree with you.

It happens and is happening on both sides, on all sides. The media exists to feed itself. It's always been that way and always will be. Sticking the word social in front of it doesn't change that either.

Social media might think of itself as reporting things honestly, but all humans have bias built into them. And the system is constructed to take advantage of that for profit. You don't see what is out there on social media, you see what social media thinks you would most like to see that is out there, so that you spend the maximum amount of time engaged with it. The second everyone decided it was okay to let their phone listen to their conversations and have ads target them accordingly; to have an algorithm decide what they wanted to see and when and how, then the battle for common gound was pretty much over. Until we give up the social media endorphin hit of likes and acceptance and longing/belonging, there won't ever be another middle to meet in.

As for honesty, that too is subjective. People might be trying their best, they might be saying it as they see it, but that doesn't necessarily make it the truth. Just one person, or even sometimes many people, saying what they saw or how they feel about it. Honesty, the truth, is usually some place in the middle of all that, between both and all sides. Which is what makes it nearly impossible to find, even when you go looking for it.

Looking at anything as left or right, good and bad, is reductive and harmful to real connection and honest discourse.

Even on a bike forum!

I do think you need to hit the trails this weekend. I think I do, and we all do, too!

So let's do that!

Wheelies have no political affiliation!

Skids are for kids!

Nothing but love for this place and all the people that use it.

'cept the dentists and their bikes of choice, of course!

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