So is this a waste of money.......

Maybe, maybe not. Unfortunately you or I aren't allowed in to look at the trees to tell, and for whatever reason I have yet to see any pics of these trees.
We have a rather nice Parlour Palm that won't stop growing they could have for half that

A good tree, though, is worth it's weight in gold!
quite good that they are fig trees. We all know what happens when you eat to many and what that lot talk most of the time. :LOL:
In reference to that story, all I can say is:


Yup folks, that's a fig roll. I'll get me coat. :oops:

There was a guy on the radio the other day whose business it is to supply plants and trees and so on and he said the cost of this was well OTT. He also mentioned he had bid for this contract but didn't get it, all very fishy if what he says is true.