So,...How retro are you?


Bikes are '91, '98 and '99, car is ancient by modern standards, my lap top is 5 years old, no tablet or i phone thingies and don't know how to work one.

I only replaced my Nokia 3410 mobile after 10 years as the youngster in the Orange store had a cardiac arrest when I went in asking for a new battery for it. The new thing I came out of there with only does texting and calls.

Camera, erm, 10 years old, it is digi but I'm looking at getting a SLR I have to admit.... Have some binoculars from WW1 that get regular use. Furniture is all antique, have quite a few vintage clothes, in my '20's wardrobe, some antique books, lots of old teddy bears, did have split cane fishing rods....and used them and caught on them.

Music, '70's and '80's mostly. Have a microwave - does that make me modern....??

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