So,...How retro are you?


Dirt Disciple
My better half thinks I'm mad, here's some of my retro sins. :facepalm:

1. Ride retro bikes, obviously.

2. I use a filofax, no batteries required. No fancy tablet for me.

3. My mobile is a Motorola flip phone from 2004 (quite hip now apparently). I receive calls and send texts, that's good enough for me.

4. Hi-fi, mostly 80's equipment and I prefer cassettes to CD's.

5. I don't use a digital camera (only for work), my cameras take film.

6. I watch old music programmes on BBC4

There must be more I get up to, but I can't remember just now.

I don't think I'm alone am I, any more dinosaurs out there :D
Mostly retro for me.

My phone is Nokia 6310i. Got it new as part of a car kit in the early 00's. Never broke so never replaced it. I have a tablet & laptop, why would I want it all again on my phone or watch!!!
Have lots of cassettes and cds as I like my cars to have period correct stereos in them + Graphic eq. :) as most of my cars are from the 80s + 90s.
I like old cameras, vcrs etc and still have an old Arcam hi fi. (and a Phillips N series rack mount tape deck)

I just like the style and the quality. newer stuff aint the same.
Yes, I'm another one. Except for 2. and 5. your list is accurate for me as well. I keep notes in .txt files on the PC and I have older digital cameras (2004 and 200:cool:.
I think I got past 40 and increasingly thought do I need this new fangled thing; no, not really. Well and truly stuck in the 80's for most stuff, can't stand 80's music though!
How about still have my vinyl collection, and a turn-table-equipped home hi-fi to boot (still listen to them, too)!
My children force me into the 21st century, but I have a car that takes cassettes the children canny listen to there CDs in that mwahahahaha :)


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