Smallest middle ring for 4 arm cranks?


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
Sorry, I know its a bit modern :roll: . I asked a while back about small middle rings for 110 cranks. Having discovered the smallest is 32 i've acquired some 4 bolt crank arms, having made the assumption something smaller would be available for them. So whats the smallest unramped middle ring generally available? And where can I get one? Ta.
the smallest middle that will work with 4 arm is a 32. even with said 32 the chain may kiss the spider as the chain beds in. it a very close fought thing.
True, but you can put a 30 or 28 in the small ring position, and then run a 42 in the middle. It won't be a triple setup, but you'll get closer to what you're asking for. :)