Slow Day in RetroBike Land...


BoTY Winner
Kona Fan
With the exception of Kai's Storm, its been a slow day/week here in Retrobike land... Come on people. Lets step up our games. I'm dying over here... lets see some projects... random pictures... an interesting discussion.


here's somebody doing some trials riding at the World Championships in Fort William this September...

My completed yellow Trimble (work/spare bike) warning 2007 content & no suspension of any kind except spokes, tyers, seat,
Hope pro 3. Got it built up today. Their is to much flash on the Bullseye as the yellow center is a perfect match for the frame :D :D
Also a shadow XT rear :cool: And a Campy Atec rim on the front 28 hole 2 cross patten. :cool:
Thanks jango
so, please discuss and explain my depression!! - it's pissing down here in North East Wales and I'm getting on in years a little and can't be arsed to go out in the rain anymore. (before you think I'm just a couch mtber - last night was dry and I was out for an hour and twenty).

I just can't get motivated to go out at this time of year's dull and wet and just doesn't get me going

But I've a mate in Scotland who raves about it - he raves' when it snows and we ski it, then it melts and we paddle it, after we paddle it we make whiskey from it..........he loves winter.

so.. why can't I get as excited about this shitty weather as he does.

If you've not sampled Penderyn, you can't use the 'Welsh can't make wisky' answer